#Q1.What are the two values of the Boolean data type? How do you write them?
There are 35 keywords in Python among them only three are case-sensitive keywords and two of them are boolean so we write them as True and False.
#Program to print boolean data type
a = 1
b = 0
#Q2.What are the three different types of Boolean operators?
Boolean Operations are simple arithmetic of True and False values. These values can be manipulated by the use of boolean
operators which include AND, Or, and NOT
#A program to check these operators
a = True
b = False
x = a and b
y = b or a
z = not b
#False True True
This is the Truth Table for Boolean operators
#Q3. Make a list of each Boolean operator's truth tables (i.e. every possible combination of Boolean values for the operator and what it evaluates)
There are three different types of boolean operators OR, AND, NOT. So we will see each condition in the truth table
Let's consider variables a and b. Now we see what operators do.
1. OR operator always selects True until and unless both the conditions are not False.
2. AND Operator Selects True if both the conditions are the same otherwise it selects False.
3. NOT operator returns an opposite value; if A is True, then NOT A is False.
#Truth Table
1. OR
True True True
True False True
False True True
False False False
2. AND
A B x
True True True
True False False
False True False
False False False
3. NOT
A Not A
True False
False True
expressions examples
#Q4. What are the values of the following expressions?
(5 > 4) and (3 == 5)
not (5 > 4)
(5 > 4) or (3 == 5)
not ((5 > 4) or (3 == 5))
(True and True) and (True == False)
(not False) or (not True)
To check this we need to make a variable for each expression so that we can check the result of the boolean data type.
False False True False False True
#A Program to check these expressions
a= (5 > 4) and (3 == 5) # False
b= not (5 > 4) # False
c= (5 > 4) or (3 == 5) #True
d= not ((5 > 4) or (3 == 5)) #False
e= (True and True) and (True == False) #False
f= (not False) or (not True) #True
#False False True False False True
Six comparison operators
#Q5. What are the six comparison operators?
In Python, we often want to compare a value with another value. To do that, we use comparison operators.
Python has six comparison operators, which are as follows:
1. Less than ( < )
2. Less than or equal to (<=)
3. Greater than (>)
4. Greater than or equal to (>=)
5. Equal to ( == )
6. Not equal to ( != )
These comparison operators compare two values and return a boolean value, either True or False.
#To Print a program that shows the logic of these operators
#1. Less than ( < )
a = 2
b = 5
#2. Less than or equal to (<=)
a = 50
b = 49.9
#3. Greater than (>)
a = 10
b = 7
#4. Greater than or equal to (>=)
a = 15
b = 15.6
#5. Equal to ( == )
a = 99.999
b = 99.999
#6. Not equal to ( != )
a = 9
b = 9