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Samsung Galaxy S4 or HTC One?

Both the HTC One and the Samsung Galaxy S4 are now as official and available as they can possibly be. We can all agree to the fact th...

Apple addresses WWDC sellout, says that separate Tech Talks are coming this fall

Apple has posted a  new notice on its (public) developer news site acknowledging the sellout of its Worldwide Developer Conference ...

Samsung Galaxy S4 Price In India Is Rs. 41,500. Is It Worth It?

S amsung Galaxy S4 has been launched in Indian markets for a price of Rs. 41,500. People were skeptic about the time-line Samsung would...

Google: No, app makers, you can't skip the Play Store

The note warning developers of the app update policy change that put a stop of pushing updates outside of the Play Store. An update...

Google X smartphone with Android 5.0.1 appears in benchmarks

It seems like the Motorola X smartphone should be hitting the market very soon and will be dubbed Google X. This revelation is based ...

iPhone hacker goes from Apple to Google for intern

Looks like Apple's loss is Google's gain. Nicholas Allegra, famously known as Comex, the guy behind the JailbreakMe hacking too...

iPhone should come to the big screen in the fall

Tim Cook: iPhone 5 has the absolute best display in the industry. Apple strives for perfection with punchier whites and color accurac...

Apple Might Not Launch Any New iOS Products Until Fall

With a new iPhone, a new iPad, and the debut of the iPad mini, Apple pretty much refreshed its whole mobile iOS product lineup last f...

Next Xbox: Microsoft sets big disclosure for May 21

The software giant sends out invitations that confirm rumors of the next-generation console's unveiling next month. Microsoft ha...

How Scared Should I Be To Use Public WiFi on My Smartphone?

The question came from someone close to the family, which means that even the geek among me are still confused with just how secur...

5 Things iOS 7 Needs To Learn From Android

iOS is getting boring. Yes, it’s simplistic. Yes, the design is clean. Almost anyone can pick up an iPhone or iPad and immediately know...

How Microsoft is shifting the Office trains into high gear

Microsoft's Office team has an ambitious plan. But can a team of 5,000 engineers move from delivering product releases every two or ...