Google Now reaches iOS

Google released a new version of its iOS search app on Monday, and with that, Google Now is available on iOS.
The new app has virtually the same look-and-feel on both iOS and Android, with Google incorporating nearly all of Now's information cards. 22 of the 29 card types available on Android are making their way to iOS, with airline boarding passes, Fandango, and local events among the missing-in-action.
Google Now is the company's answer to Siri. It is an intelligent personal assistant available for Android versions 4.1 and later. In addition to answering questions, like Siri does, it watches an end user's behavior and delivers -- passively -- information that it predicts the user will want, based on their search habits.
Google Now for iOS
While it's clear that Google Now is growing in its important to Google, especially as a strong customer-facing tool for its Knowledge Graph, it's less obvious how many people with iPhones will abandon Siri and its automatic start features in order to jump into Google's competing app.
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