BlackBerry R10 Hardware Rumored Sounding a Little Better Now

We got a really nice look at an unannounced BlackBerry 10 QWERTY model earlier this week, apparently set to arrive as the R10. Seeing it go up against the Q10 made it crystal clear that the R10 isn’t quite as refined nor sophisticated-looking, befitting its apparent fate as a budget-priced alternative to the Q10. At the time, we also got to check out some hardware specs for the phone.

Now, we’re heading back to correct one of those figures, upon the arrival of some new evidence of BlackBerry R10 hardware.
By and large, the R10′s hardware didn’t sound so much worse than the Q10′s, but there were some sacrifices. One of those was the move from a user-replaceable 2100mAh battery to a non-user-replaceable 1800mAh component.

Of course, just because a battery isn’t intended to be easily replaced doesn’t mean it’s inaccessible altogether, and the owner of this R10 was able to disassemble it far enough to reach the internal battery. As such, we can now see that it should actually be a 2180mAh part.
That’s a 20% improvement over 1800mAh, so while we’re still not fans of BlackBerry taking the non-removable route, this is some nice news, all the same.
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