Next iPhone : iPhone 5s or iPhone 6

For all the talk about Apple’s plans for its next iPhone (or series of iPhones), all the leaked component shots, and all the rampant speculation, there still really isn’t much we actually know.
For instance, while we’ve been discussing theories about next-gen iPhones, budget-priced iPhones, or maybe larger-screen iPhones, we’ve been guessing a lot when it comes to their names.
For instance, we’ve called the next “regular” iPhone the 5S more than a few times, but when it comes down to it, that name is far from certain. In fact, there’s still a chance that Apple might skip the “S” revision altogether and just push forward to the
iPhone 6, or so today’s leak might have us believe.

So, what is that blurry mess down below? If we’re to believe its provenance, it comes from a product listing obtained from a UK-based retailer. As you can plainly see, it seems to imply that the company is expecting the iPhone 6.
The message there is clear enough, but we’re far from convinced. After all, a lot of employees have access to the databases behind lists like this, and it really wouldn’t require any intimate knowledge of Apple’s plans to create this entry.
It could be a matter of future-proofing, or just acting like a place holder.
Then again, that’s not to say that Apple really won’t skip the 5S; while there is the start of a pattern concerning its naming schemes, that’s far from gospel, and we really could see Apple go in any number of unexpected directions.
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