Google Patents Smartwatch With Touch-Sensitive Wristband

You know Google; They offer search, mail, videos, smartphones, tablets, high-speed internet, TV operating systems and even glasses, and until they start offering hotels and car rentals, who knows what else they’ve got up their sleeve. So far, the only thing we hadn’t seen from Google was a Smartwatch, and well, what took them so long?

The company has just filed a patent for their own competitor to the inexistent iWatch from Apple, and if you know a little about Google Glass, you’ll know what makes this patent special. See, Glass allows you to navigate through the UI through a touch sensor that’s at the right of the device. In a way it allows you to slide through home screens as you would on an Android smartphone, but obviously optimized for a  much smaller display. This new Smartwatch patent has this same concept where you slide through screens using touch-sensitive controls that are placed on the wristband. Genius if you as some of us, but then again, let’s just hope the wristband is water resistant and also not made out of rubber.
Obviously between the filing of a patent and a possible launch there’s always a couple of months or years to wait, so let’s see what they come-up with. Shall we call this the GWatch?

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